Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Spring Break II: Dublin

I absolutely fell in love with Dublin. After a night in THE scariest hotel I have ever stayed in, we were ready to get out of London (even though it was amazing). The trip wasn't easy, god forbid we go anywhere on time. We took a train to Crewe, which was completely over booked. People were sitting on the ground, in the baggage compartments etc. but most people were just standing. After another train from Crewe into Holyhead, Whales, we got on a Ferry, which was a lot more like a luxury cruise ship, complete with a screening of the latest Harry Potter movie. Naturally, Jules and I took advantage of the opportunity to watch Harry Potter while traversing the Irish Sea--but we were the only ones.....

so what??? we had to sit on the ground in first class...first class is first class, now bring me my hot towel!

Feeling lucky for the first time in a week. Ferries are the way to travel. 

saying goodbye to Whales 


After disembarking the cruise ship in Ireland we were immediately greeted by some of the warm, Irish hospitality which we soon learned is commonplace in the homeland. Our hostel was just lovely. More comfortable, clean and accommodating than most hotels and a much necessary respite from all of the shitty hostels that I tend to frequent. From this point on we did a lot of drinking, eating, listening to live music, touring and otherwise enjoying the city. I could spell it all out, but I'd rather just let the pictures do the talking. 

hey, we saw this in Rome too! 

Trinity College 

Made us miss Michigan campus 

Much appreciation for sunshine and grass 

FINALLY got to eat a pasty 

St. Patrick's Cathedral 

of course 

goes down easier than water in Dublin 

Guinness mustache 

beautiful city 

an old Abbey in Ireland 

an Irish Gal 

10-pack of tissues at the dollar store was a great choice. We are a sniffly bunch of people. 

The Cliffs of Moher 

Great travel companions/great friends  
more cliffs 

If you know anyone who needs to hire a nanny, assistant, waitress, student etc. PLEASE let me know. I want to go back... permanently. 

Next post: Scotland---a beautiful and awful place 

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